season one

Episode One: Addie and Jared's first attempt to make a vlog goes horribly wrong.

Episode Two: Addie and Jared vacation in Mexico with the boys...free range through and through.

Episode Three: Addie and Jared finally get a date night out on the town in NYC!
**warning: this episode contains adult language!

Episode Four: Addie teaches us how to make her MIL's famous strawberry rhubarb pie….

Episode Five: Addie and Jared take rising mommy blogger star Imogen, author of the upcoming book NABFD (Not a Big F***ing Deal), out to lunch.

Episode Six: Addie and the family travel back in time in hopes of spending the weekend living just like their ancestors used to: communing with nature, living off the land and making their own hashtags.

Episode Seven: Addie’s behind the wheel of a rental car in a brand new town with Jared as her navigator, so look out, world! No, seriously, look out, someone’s almost definitely going to get hurt here.

Episode Eight: Addie meets with her mentor, moccasin entrepreneur Susan Petersen. "Mentor" in this case of course means "person she's never met before but is too polite to ask her to leave the premises.”

Episode Nine: Always wanted to rock a braid but not sure how to pull it off? Addie brings in an expert for this tonsorial tutorial, which will be enlightening, informative, and hopefully free.

Episode Ten: Armed with a selfie stick, Addie meets one of her literary heroes for erudite banter just like at the Algonquin Round Table, if the Algonquin Round Table featured lots of awkward silences.

Episode Eleven: Addie gets parenting tips from a dad who's turned his kids' daily departures for school into a viral online sensation, because kids love nothing more than a parent who's the center of everyone's attention.

Episode Twelve: Addie's making a commercial for a hot makeup line and invites you behind the scenes for all the backstage action -- lights, camera, Addie!

Episode Thirteen: Addie meets with Mommy Makeup impresario Debra Rubin-Roberts to tell her how the commercial shoot went. And also to inform her that there was a commercial shoot.

Episode Fourteen: While Addie's in LA "on business" she schedules a family photo shoot with old college roommate/professional photographer Bridget. The camera doesn't lie…

Season Finale: An intimate confessional in which Addie addresses her followers with a raw honesty that could only be called "courageous," or possibly "inebriated.”
Season Two

Episode One: Addie and Jared aim to strengthen their marriage by competing in the Questival in NYC.

Episode Three: While luxuriating in the splendor of almond blossom season, Addie and Jared are thrilled to meet a real live regular hardworking rural American.

Episode Four: Addie decides to try therapy, because even the perfect can improve themselves.

Episode Five: Since antiquity, pilgrimages to holy places have been made to seek blessings and absolution. Or, in Addie’s case, likes and followers.

Episode Six: Addie throws all her support and enthusiasm behind the Pride Parade. But it goes well anyway.

Episode Seven: Addie and Jared want to consider homeschooling, so they do what any concerned, informed parents would do: they do research they collect data, and basically they go seek advice from the homeschooler with the biggest Youtube following they can find.

Episode Eight: Unschooling is a style of education that really appeals to Addie's image of herself as a nonconformist, and she's definitely going to try it, especially if lots of other people are doing it.

Episode Nine: Jared's not about to let a little thing like not having a job prevent him from participating in Take Your Kids to Work Day....