Season two

Episode One: Addie and Jared aim to strengthen their marriage by competing in the Questival in NYC.

Episode Three: While luxuriating in the splendor of almond blossom season, Addie and Jared are thrilled to meet a real live regular hardworking rural American.

Episode Four: Addie decides to try therapy, because even the perfect can improve themselves.

Episode Five: Since antiquity, pilgrimages to holy places have been made to seek blessings and absolution. Or, in Addie’s case, likes and followers.

Episode Six: Addie throws all her support and enthusiasm behind the Pride Parade. But it goes well anyway.

Episode Seven: Addie and Jared want to consider homeschooling, so they do what any concerned, informed parents would do: they do research they collect data, and basically they go seek advice from the homeschooler with the biggest Youtube following they can find.

Episode Eight: Unschooling is a style of education that really appeals to Addie's image of herself as a nonconformist, and she's definitely going to try it, especially if lots of other people are doing it.

Episode Nine: Jared's not about to let a little thing like not having a job prevent him from participating in Take Your Kids to Work Day....